Som Art...

This is a Art & Craft related company with full of professionals and highly qualified artists... We generally works for Interior Designing products... We manufacture... 1. Painting :- Realistic Painting, Creative painting, Landscape painting, Portrait painting, Miniature Painting, Old Master copy Painting, Leather Painting, Mural Painting in different medium like Oil, Acrylic, Water color, Mix-media etc as per customer choices.. 2. Sculpture :- Indoor sculpture and Outdoor sculpture in medium like Fiber, Bronze, Wood , Junk and Mix media etc as per Client choices. 3. Oyster - Cockle :- Different type of Oyster Item like Bangle, Ear top, Jewelry Item, Show piece, Button, painting and many moor items. 4. Ceramics :- Different type of ceramics item like Vase, Show piece , Sculpture etc... 5. Murals :- Tiles mural, Ceramic Mural, Terracotta Mural, Mural Painting as per Designing choose by Client... 6. Mock-up Model :- Building/ Complex Model in small scale for preview purpose...